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 How to Remove Belly Fat!

I'm going to let you in on a little secret....

Losing weight and belly fat is NOT a complicated process! I know...there is so much confusing information out there that it can make your head spin. Fear not my belly challenged friend! I am going to show you the most efficient and effective way on how to remove belly fat for good! 

We’ve come to know it by many names…Muffin Top, Beer Belly, Spare Tire, Pandemic Pouch, Pot Belly and they all mean the same thing…Belly Fat. It’s that flab around our mid sections that kind of hangs over our belts and jiggles when we run.  

For some of us, it hangs just below our shirts and for others it hangs awkwardly out at our sides. I know, it sucks but don't panic because I am going to show you how to get your belly under control and get into the best shape of your life! 

If you’ve come to terms with your belly fat and are ok with it, good for you. You may as well move onto another site. If on the other hand you are tired with fat around your midsection and want to know how to remove your belly fat than you’ve come to the right place!

The Belly Be Gone Solution!

That’s right, if you’re looking for solutions on how to remove belly fat and lose body weight I have some great news for you. In this website you’re going to find information that will allow you to drop those pounds and firm up your mid-section. Say good bye to your belly fat and hello to a sexy stomach. No more muffin top, no more beer belly, and no more pot belly!

Do crunches burn belly fat?

Does running reduce belly fat?

Does sweating help lose weight?

If you’re willing to put in a bit of work and follow the nutrition information and tips in this website you’re going to remove your belly fat! Not only that but you’re going to trim up your entire body and get strong!

Listen, I know exactly what you’re going through. I’ve been there and I know how real the struggle is. It’s not fun trying to fight the junk food urges, the ups and downs of trying to keep up with exercise but I will tell you this, you can do it. Forget about all the other confusing information about keto this or paleo that and concentrate on the basic fat burning fundamentals. I promise you this, if you can concentrate on the basic core fundamentals you will not only remove your belly fat but you will do it for good!

You Are NOT Alone!

There are thousands of people, just like you who want to lose weight and get rid of belly fat. Don’t feel like you’re doing this alone because you’re not. I built this website especially for those of you who are confused by all the information and not knowing what to do. The Belly Be Gone website will help you overcome your bad habits and get you started on building a positive relationship with your body. I have here to help and I will do my best to see you succeed!

Read about my Belly Be Gone moment here!

Who is Belly Be Gone For?

The information in Belly Be Gone can be used by both men and women and are targeted to the older age group. Listen, I’m not 25 years old anymore and I’m not going to pretend that I am. There is no way that I’m going to try and perform the routines that I followed when I was 25. I’m 49 years of age so I’ve come to terms with that but mind you; I’m not over the hill by any means. I’ve just evolved my approach and I’ve been able to be the absolute best that I can for my age. In fact, I prefer my 49 year old body to my 25 year old body. I’m lighter; I feel better and have a much deeper appreciation of my surroundings. Over the years I've found common sense solutions on how to remove belly fat. There are no secrets, no hidden formulas, only real life solutions to a real life problem (belly fat).

The information in Belly Be Gone will help you evolve your approach for losing weight and getting rid of your belly fat for good. You’re going to find a lot of useful information on Belly Be Gone that you can apply regardless of your situation. How to lose weight fast!

What Can You Expect from Belly Be Gone?

Listen, I can’t promise or guarantee anything but I can say with absolute certainty that if you follow the information on this site you will start to drop pounds fast and effectively. I’m going to be honest with you; there are no magic belly fat potions or special ointments to rub on your gut that will magically remove your belly fat. However, with a bit of knowledge and the right dedication you can lose weight, drop pounds and firm your entire body up. I am going to provide you with the tools, tips and information you need to help you drop body weight, remove your belly fat and get you on the road to feeling AWESOME!

3 Foods You MUST Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight and Belly Fat!

How To Remove Belly Fat! The Process is Simple!

Don’t be fooled! Losing weight and getting rid of your belly fat is NOT a complicated process. You don’t need special diets or complicated exercise regiments. You don’t need special ointments or magic diet pills neither. Removing belly fat is a pretty simple process:

1)    Create a slight calorie deficit;
2)    Improve the way your body processes oxygen via light daily activities (to burn fat);
3)    Improve your bodies muscular response via light muscle activation work (to soak up calories);
4)    Get some rest (to facilitate the entire process)

That’s it! Do this and you will lose weight and flatten your belly. I am 100% confident that no matter what your situation is, if you follow those 4 simple steps you WILL lose weight and remove belly fat. My job is to give you the right tools and information that you can easily follow and implement.

I’m not going to make a simple process more complex than it needs to be. I’ve been in the fitness field for a long time and over the years I’ve come to understand the real truth about our bodies. Our bodies are truly amazing and will adapt to any situation, good or bad. It all depends on how consistent you are that matters. Consistency is the key and given the right circumstances your body will adapt and you WILL remove belly fat.

How to remove belly fat

Does sodium make you fat?

What About Getting Rid of Belly Fat? Will You Lose It?

Yes, you’re going to lose the belly fat. Follow the process and stay consistent and you’ll start to see your belly fat disappear. It won’t happen overnight but it WILL happen. Stay consistent, stay diligent and you’re going to notice big changes. It’s only when we give up on trying to remove belly fat that it ends up staying on. Make the small and consistent changes to your daily habits and good things will happen!

See my "What's New" page for the latest articles, tips, techniques, nutrition, recipes and meal plans for burning belly fat, losing weight and getting healthy.

The Belly Be Gone Goods!

There are low impact cardio exercises meant to help you burn fat without putting your body at risk. Why low impact? It’s a lot safer especially for those of us who are 40 plus years of age and besides; the exercises will provide enough challenge to allow you to burn fat. There are special belly and ab exercises to help you develop and strengthen your abdominal area and cool tips and tricks to provide a helping hand. The exercises are all home based and don’t require any special equipment! You can do these exercises anywhere!

The nutrition part of Belly Be Gone includes recipes, meal plans (low carb diet meal plan here) and easy to understand information on how to put your own belly fat burning meal plan together.  There are belly fat burning tips and a special guide specifically on burning belly fat.

7 Day Diet Meal Plan

1200 Calorie Keto Diet Meal Plan

We also have our Belly Be Gone Challenge! This is a 30 day weight loss and belly fat burning challenge for those of you who need support, guidance and the right tools! Click here to find out more.

Don’t forget, there are also the Belly Be Gone Keto Fit Meal Plan, Belly Be Gone Fat Burners and the Belly Be Gone Recipe Book!

I want to see you to remove belly fat for good and SUCCEED! Follow this website, book mark it and say it aloud…BELLY BE GONE!!

Yours in health

Blake Bissaillion

Over his 30 plus years of experience, Blake Bissaillion has worked with nationally ranked body builders, power lifters and fitness professionals. In this time he has picked up volumes of applied knowledge that he openly shares with his clients. Mr. Bissaillion’s objective is to help as many beginners to weight training and fitness to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals while getting into their best possible shape. Mr. Bissaillion owns and operates Belly Be Gone, a fitness company that offers fitness and nutritional guidance and products.